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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Texas trip...take 1

Our family vacation this summer involved family, friends, sun, fun and a lot of driving! We started out by driving to Texas to visit Shadd's grandma. It was a 14 hour drive and we drove straight through the night so the girls could sleep. We took turns driving so it wasn't too bad. It was so nice seeing Grandma Purkey. Since she doesn't travel too much anymore she had never met Bethany. We really enjoyed our stay! We took lots of pictures so there will be many entries to come...

Grandma took us to visit a beach that had been destroyed by the hurricane. Shadd and his family used to visit here when he was a child but there is not much left now. He was amazed at how much had been destroyed. This is a picture Baylee took of us(yep...I'm teaching her early!)
me and my girls

Grandma and Angel

Daddy introducing the beach to the girls. This was their first time seeing it. It was fun to see the excitement in their faces.

This used to be a pier

What was left of a beach house


Jenny said...

Love the pics! I am so glad you all had a great time. Can't wait to catch up when we get back.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

love that one of them walking on the beach!!