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Monday, May 25, 2009

Photo fun!

One of my missions this weekend was to get some patriotic pictures so I took the girls in their red, white and blue dresses to the Zachary Taylor military cemetary. They had all of the flags out and it was absolutely beautiful!!!! I tried to turn it into a history lesson for the girls. We talked about the military and serving our country. Baylee seemed to grasp it but Bethany had all kinds of questions. It was quite entertaining. See the picture of Zachary Taylor's tomb below.

I love this picture

When you look in the door you can see the vaults holding President Taylor and his wife. When I told Bethany the former president was in there she asked if Barack Obameee(this is how she says it) was in there too. Then as we walked along further and she saw piping in the ground, she leaned down and said..."hellooooo anyone down there?" Oh to be four!

Just breathtaking!

Later we brought Kirsten, Landen and Presley over with us. I had told her I was going on a picture mission and she said she might come along. Little did we know our girls all had the same dresses on. It was really cute!

little miss Presley

After the kiddos endured the cemetary, we went to dinner, to play and for ice cream. It was a fun spontaneous adventure! We look forward to the next one...minus the cemetary!!!!!


the lewis gang said...

AWESOME PICS, LIZ! you need to submit those to some sort of publication. thanks for sharing!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

WOW!! those are great!!! what a good idea! daniel said there is some book on how to talk to your kids about the military and such. i will find out what it is called.