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Friday, July 15, 2011

Just a few random 4th of July pics of the girls.

We celebrated mom and dad's birthdays the 5th and 6th. Happy Birthday!!!!! Love you guys!!!
I know I said I would do better but I have not!!!!! I promise to try harder to blog more often!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Family visit

My dad's family came for a quick visit during Christmas break. It is always so nice to see them I just wish we could see them more often!
Laura with the girls
dad and his sister Emily
Dennis, Emily and the girls

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Eve

Nana and Pops came over Christmas Eve for dinner and gifts. The girls were super excited about it and of course Santa coming in the morning.

Bethany acting like a reindeer

letters to Santa

Pops, Nana and the girls
The girls
Bogey wasn't sure about all the excitement

Aaaah, sisterly love

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Santa at Bass Pro

We took the girls to Bass Pro Shop to See Santa. They always have a great time there!