This morning I took a half day and went to Baylee's awards day program at her school. She has really blossomed this year in Kindergarten. She has developed a love for reading and writing(which melts our hearts). She just can't seem to get enough. I really hope that this stays with her and she will always love books. Anyway, I don't often brag but I am planning to now because I am beaming with pride. There were three awards to be given for kindergarten. The first was for Reading Counts. This is when the student reads a book and answers questions about the story. The award was given to any student who had earned at least 60 points. Baylee had 203 and had the highest number in all four Kindergarten classes. She just amazes me! We don't make her sit and read at night...she just wants to. Books have been a part of her life since birth. Shadd and I were talking about when she was less than a month old and he would lay on the floor with her and read to her. I can't believe she is all grown up and reading herself!
So the next award was for perfect attendance. She was the only one in her class with this one. This can be attributed to the luck of the draw and hopefully a lot of handwashing if she is related to me. :)
The last award was the Citizenship award. Her teacher had the class vote and they voted Baylee as one of the recipients. We weren't expecting this one too so we were really excited! Before I had children I never knew I could have these intense feelings of love and pride. She amazes me each day with her accomplishments. If this is a hint of what is to come in the next 12 years I cannot wait to see what amazing things she will do.

Reading Counts award

Perfect Attendance

Kristen and Baylee
Citizenship award

Me and my girl

Baylee and Mrs. Kendrick